Why a 3-piece slate pool table?
One of the most commonly asked questions about pool tables-why is a 3-piece table preferred over a single slate table?
1) Almost all one-piece tables are undersized slate. That means that the rail bolts that should come up through a hole in the slate and into a nut plate in the bottom of the rail in order to get a good tight fit and a good rebound do not but come through a hole outside of the slate. One exception to this rule is the Diamond tables from Jeffersonville, Indiana. Featuring outstanding playability, their one-piece tables are oversize and therefore have superior rebound. It doesn't hurt that they also feature German Artemis cushions.
2) The cost involved in delivering or moving the table. At Southern Billiards we charge at least double for moving any one piece slate table. These jobs require extra manpower, equipment, and added liability. Typically these tables cost more to move than they are worth. Consequently, many of the one piece tables end up being left in their original homes. In the Atlanta area the most common brand of these tables were manufactured by Atlantic Billiard Company in Buford, Ga.
3) In almost every case it is impossible to get a one-piece table as level as a 3-piece table. Have you ever played on a coin-operated table (commonly referred to as a bar box) and wondered why nothing rolls straight? These tables are a prime example of how difficult (to impossible) it is to get a one-piece table level. On the other hand I liike telling our customers we get their 3-piece tables so level that water wouldn't run off of them-it would just stack up on the table!!
4) Seriously, we feel confident enough to guarantee our level within .005 inch on 3-piece tables but can only guarantee one-piece tables to within .035 inch with the Diamond table being the exception of course.
Some manufacturers offer both types of slate configurations but most are constant with one or the other. some of the most common tables for 3-piece are:
Brunswick, Olhausen, C.L. Bailey, A.E. Schmidt, ProLine, Craftmaster, Connelly, Fischer(furniture style), Kasson, Diamond, Presidential, Beach, Steepleton, Gandy, American Heirloom, American Heritage, Leisure Bay, Winner's Choice, Olio, World of Leisure, etc.
This is not to say that all of these tables are of equal quality. Far from it!!! You can contact me to get my input on any table you are considering. I have worked on and played on thousands of tables in my many years in this industry and will be happy to share my thoughts with you considering value and highlights of the tables.
Some common one-piece tables include:
Atlantic Billiards(most), Valley, Harvard(most), AllTech, Dynamo, Cooper, and more.
Please contact me with any questions concerning pool tables, cues, cue repairs, etc.
As always, remember Jesus Loves Us!